
Summary of Directions in Lyon 2023

Directions EMEA in Lyon 2023 has now come to an end. Liza and Carolina share their experiences from these three days!

You have just returned from Directions EMEA, a major European conference for partners focused in Business Central, Power Platform, and Sales. How did you experience the days?

First of all we had such a great time. It’s so much fun to meet IRL. Off-site work and Teams meetings are great, but it’s really enjoyable to see each other in person. We get to talk casually, share laughs, and discuss future plans, says Carolina Edvinsson. All the spontaneous visits to our booth provide so much energy, showing that we have great apps and products that customers are looking for. It provides so much positive feedback that we actually make it easier and empower users in their daily work, just as we aim for in our product development, says Liza Juhlin.

What are the top 3 things you are taking away from the conference?

1. That our multicompany solution app stands out in the market. We distinguish ourselves by simplifying and saving a tremendous amount of time for companies with more than one entity (up to 98 %!). It’s an app that can’t really be compared to any other, as we’ve noticed in our conversations with partners and users.

2. We shouldn’t underestimate the value of meeting in person! Discussing collaborations to provide users with the Business Central experience they deserve in their daily lives. SmartApps collaborates not only with Business Central partners but also with other app providers. Users can perform tasks using our multicompany app, Eagle, within other providers’ apps, simultaneously across all companies you as a user work in. This eliminates the need to perform tasks one by one in each company, one after the other. You can even schedule tasks, so you don’t have to click a single time.

3. The fact that partners are now really embracing the cloud, and customers want to move there. We’ve been building apps for the cloud for five years, but few partners have fully embraced the cloud until now. And we are ready!