Consumption lines on Contracts


Tuesday October 29th – 10:00 (CET)





Consumption lines on Contracts

Do you invoice your customers on a recurring basis but have opted out of using contracts because the number and amount differ from time to time? Using contracts have many benefits amongst others, they will help you to ensure that your customers receive a correct invoice at the right time every time. But it also enables you to connect pricelists to you recurring fees, such as subscriptions and licenses. We will show you how you can use contract to manage your recurring invoicing despite the above. Adding the possibility to also manage consumption lines on your contract will take this to the next level.

Recurring invoicing ERP systems

Tina Ragnarsson

Tina has a long experience of working in both NAV and Business Central. She started as an end-user in her work as an accounting economist but now she works together with partners to develop apps that strive to help end-users work smarter, not harder, in Business Central.

Liza Juhlin

Liza has 16 years of working with NAV and Business Central. For the past 5 years, she and her team have been working together with partners to develop apps that are the cherry on top of your Business Central installation.