News / Eagle 24.8


Eagle 24.8


In the recent update of Eagle, several enhancements have been made to various systems and functionalities.

Support for using Eagle Activities in a PTE role center has been added, allowing those with a PTE role center to have User-defined KPIs in their customized role center.

The Function Setup page now includes more templates for standard reports, and support for excluding dimension requirements on Closing Dates when posting via the report 70337376, Post General Journal, has been added. Additionally, the Eagle Functions and KPIs Guide have been added to the My Companies page.

For Single Company setups, system filters can now be used on the drilldown page for User-defined KPIs. Predefined KPIs now return 0 if the user does not have permission to read them.

Workflow Automations have seen several improvements, including the ability to process a step again if it encountered an error, better support for Single Company, and enhanced management of Workflow Automations running in the background.

Users can now also clear abandoned Queue Entries in Workflow Automations if, for example, a login dialog is canceled.

The ability to use Category Code and Group Code in Workflow Automations has been added, making it easier to group and categorize workflows based on various criteria and more system filters can now be used on Workflow Automations.

In the My Company section, a fix has been implemented so that My Company created from the User Environment page is associated with the selected user rather than the logged-in user.

The Job Queue section has also seen a fix for the error “There is no User within the filter” when opening the Job Queue Entry card.

Find out more about this and other functions in Eagle here.

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