News / Eagle 24.2


Eagle 24.2

Eagle News

In this release, we are excited to introduce a major new feature: Workflow Automations. This innovative tool allows users to create their own workflows for various operational tasks. Users can define each step in the workflow, which can be either a function or a manual task. To ensure greater control and precision, users can also configure selection filters and condition filters for each step based on key performance indicators (KPIs). These workflows are versatile and can be used by companies for a wide range of purposes, from daily activities to financial statements.

You can read more about Workflow Automations here.

Additionally, new KPI templates have been added for the SweBase payment suggestion, featuring predefined filters that can be selected in the guides for setting up KPIs. Furthermore, user-defined KPIs have seen improvements with fixed filters on numeric fields, including decimal, integer, and big integer. Previously, these filters were dependent on the user’s regional settings for handling the thousands delimiter.

It is important to note that if you have filters on number fields in your user-defined KPIs, you may need to update the filters to ensure that the correct values are displayed. This update is particularly relevant for users with different regional settings.

Find out more about this and other functions in Eagle here.

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