News / Eagle 23.6


Eagle 23.6


In the latest release of Eagle, several notable features have been introduced across different functionalities. These enhancements aim to streamline processes, improve user experience, and provide additional capabilities. Let’s explore these updates in detail:

The addition of the report “Get Entries from Swedish Tax Agency” enables the retrieval of tax account entries from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) for multiple companies. Authentication with BankID on the Swedish Tax Agency website is required upon report enqueuing. To retrieve transactions, registration numbers must be specified on the Swedish Tax Agency Setup page for each company.

Teaching tips have been integrated into various pages in Eagle to provide helpful information and tips. These tips serve multiple purposes, including facilitating demos, training, and enhancing understanding of how to set up and use Eagle.

Possibilities for PTE developers to extend both KPI and Function templates have been added. This functionality is beneficial for adding templates not available by default. Further information on extending the templates can be found in the technical reference regarding KPI Templates and Function Templates.

In the “Create VAT Return” report, VAT Statement Name and VAT Statement Template have been removed from the Date Filters.

A metadata error for the report “Export Incoming Documents (G/L Entry)” has been rectified. Previously, not all metadata was consistently retrieved due to different filters set during report enqueuing.

Messages displayed after a Function is enqueued have been fixed. Previously, messages could inaccurately display that a function was enqueued for a lower number of companies than it actually was.

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