
StoryPoint 20.1

StoryPoint 20.1

A new release of StoryPoint is out and it is packed with new features from our partners wish list.

Working with time sheets can sometimes be time consuming, but in this release, we have done our best to help. We added functionality to be able to delete time sheets in batch.

And you know when you want to archive a year with of old Time sheets and you get an error because a bunch of them have empty lines, we fixed that to. Time sheet lines with status Open or Rejected and no time registered will from now on no longer be a problem

We added Bill-to customer name and Job description fields in Job journal lines.

The name of the Absence report has been changed from Standard to “Company Name + Absence + Current Date” which makes it easier to separate when working with more than one company?

As for Expense management we added support for quantity on Expenses. To be able to handle this we added the fields “Quantity”, “Unit Price Incl. VAT” and “Unit Price Incl. VAT to Charge”.

And last, but definitely not least, we added an Expense report. This which makes it possible to extract approved expenses. It is possible to export the report lines to Excel. For example, if an approved expense should be registered in another system, the report can be used as a basis to facilitate this.

Click here to find out more about StoryPoint and all its functions.


Sales & Finance for Badger


Assisted Setup in Expense Management

Assisted Setup in Expense Management

In the latest release for StoryPoint (19.1) we have added two more guides to help with the setup of StoryPoint, Expense Usage Guide and New Expense User Guide.

This will help you secure all the steps in setting up all functions in Expense Management making sure it works smooth and easy.

In addition to this we made sure to transfer the date in the fields Document Date on the on the Expense will be transferred to the field Document Date ion the Purchase invoice when this is created from the Expense.

The same goes to the value in the field Total Amount on the Expense, this is transferred to the field Gross Invoice Amount on the Invoice for those using the app SweBase.

Transferring these fields will make the journey from Expense to posted Purchase Invoice smother as no necessary fields will need to be handled unless you actually want to.

Click here to find out more about this release and other functions of StoryPoint.


Parrot 19.3


Expense Management in StoryPoint


Extending apps

Extending apps

Did you know that apps from SmartApps are extendable and ready to use as a base when the customer needs what’s in the app and then some?

By now we all know that apps rather than big “per tenant extensions” is the way forward. This way “someone else” will take the development cost as well as the cost for future maintenance including keeping the code up to date and compatible with Microsoft’s standard app. But we also know that standard functionality and apps doesn´t always go all the way when it comes to the customers needs. So why not use an app that is an almost fit to the customers need and tweak it that last mile.

Extending apps from SmartApps means that you get a solid base to work with.

• All our apps use pipelines on schedule to monitor updates in minor and major releases from Microsoft.

• Every single line code that are being used in our apps will undergo code review by another senior developer.

• Thanks to automatic updates in delivery pipelines, you will always find the latest Technical Reference on our documentation site SmartApps ”Docs” (and if docs isn´t enough, please reach out to us and we will help you forward as well as updating Docs so that the next time will go even smother).

However, nobody is perfect, all our apps could get even more extendable so if you have needs or suggestions on how we can improve, please contact us and we will try to make it happen as soon as possible.

Click here for more about our apps and how to extend them.


Ready for Wave 2 2021

Ready for Wave 2 2021

All apps from SmartApps are officially validated for Dynamics 365 Business Central Wave 2 2021, also called Business Central 19.

To be able to list your app on AppSource you need to undergo the Microsoft validation process to ensure that the app is secure and meets standard of Dynamics 365 Business central. We are happy to announce that all apps from SmartApps have passed the validation for Wave 2 2021 and are ready to be downloaded to Business Central 19.

If you already have an app from SmartApps in your Dynamics 365 Business Central you will automatically get the latest version when your Dynamics 365 Business Central get upgraded to Business Central 19.

Click here for more about our apps.


Final release on BC18

Final release on BC18

We just published our last release on BC 18, this time Parrot had the honor.

When using contract unique prices, the price will be calculated immediately instead of when the contract is being released.

We also added a total amount field on contracts to make it easier to se the exact sum that will be transferred to an invoice/order/job planning line.

Other things added are increased number of checks when a contract is released and the possibility to credit contracts that contain manually added lines.

Click here for more about this and other functions in Parrot.

Now we will set sail for BC19 and when it comes, we are ready, are you?


Do you want to see your data come to life?

Do you want to see your data come to life?

Your Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business Central is packed with data just waiting to be analyzed and Power Bi is the tool that will help you to read your data so that you can make the best decisions possible to take your organization in to the future.

With our app Badger you get a solid integration between your Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business and Power BI. With Badger you get past the issue of building data sets and coding in DAX. All the necessary links, measures and dimensions for your Business Central Data is already in created. In short, Badger helps you dig out the correct data from Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business Central and presents it in in Power BI.

In other words, Badger helps you with the boring and technical stuff and you can get right to the fun part with building reports and analyzing your data.

But what if I am not the type that is comfortable with building my own reports? Download our standard reports from our website and get started or contact a partner to help you forward. With Badger you still get the benefit that all the necessary links, measures and dimensions for your Business Central Data is already created, which means that you can cut cost and your partner can focus on the core issue, building the reports that helps you get the insights you need to make better decisions for your business.

Click here to find out more about Badger and how to use the app.


Get automatic currency exchange rate updates

Get automatic currency exchange rate updates with Smart Currency Update

Are you using other currencies than your local currency when posting in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Do you want to make sure your currency exchange rate is up to date at all times?

With Smart Currency Update we enable the possibility to always keep your currency exchange rates updated by automatically updating the rates straight from the European central bank daily with a job queue entry.

Combine this with Smart Job Queue to make sure your job queue entries are up and running at all times. With Smart Job Queue you can get an email when a job queue transaction has stopped.

Click here to find out more about this and many more functions in Smart Currency Update.