Hei Suomi!!
SmartApps on vihdoin tullut järkiimme ja kääntänyt ensimmäisen sovelluksemme suomeksi, tapaa Parrot.
Tee se toistuvasti! Parrotin avulla on helppo laskuttaa samat maksut joka kuukausi, vuosineljännes tai vuosi sekä auttaa sinua seuraamaan kaikkia toistuvia maksujasi ja maksujasi, jotka laskutetaan kunkin sopimuksen määritetyn jaksotuksen jälkeen. Parrot varmistaa, että kaikki maksut laskutetaan ajoissa ja pitää manuaalisen työn minimissä.
• Varmistaa, että asiakkaasi saavat oikean laskun oikeaan aikaan.
• Mahdollistaa paremman ennusteen, kun kaikki sopimukset on rekisteröity Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centraliin.
• Voit yhdistää hinnastot toistuviin maksuihisi, kuten tilauksiin, lisensseihin ja vuokrasopimuksiin.
Olemme myös ylpeitä voidessamme sanoa, että suomeksi käännetyn sovelluksen lisäksi meillä on myös 2 kumppania Suomessa. Sekä Futuriot että Innofactor ovat onnistuneet toteuttamaan Parrotin suomenkielisessä lokalisoinnissa ja nyt niiden käyttäjät voivat käyttää sovellusta myös suomeksi.
Kuulostaako tämä teksti mielestäsi hieman “google-kääntäjältä”? No se on😊, mutta voit olla varma, että sovelluksen käännöksiä ovat lukeneet ja korjanneet ihmiset, jotka todella tietävät, mitä he tekevät, sekä Suomen että Business Centralin osalta.
Joten, oletko valmis tekemään sen toistuvasti? Ota yhteyttä Futuriotiin tai Innofactoriin, niin he auttavat sinua hallitsemaan toistuvaa laskutustasi varmistaen, että kaikki veloitukset laskutetaan ajoissa ja manuaalinen työ pidetään minimissä.
Klikkaa tästä lukeaksesi lisää Parrotista.
And for all non-Finnish speaking people, Parrot is now available in Finnish😊
A new version of Spider is out and with it, we take a big step closer to packing the app with out-of-the-box functionality. So far Spider has been “the technical one” of our apps, built as an integration toolbox packed with an infrastructure to build upon since there are numerous integrations out there to cover to say you can handle “all”.
We will never cover “all” but as of now, Spider can manage configurable imports to be posted in the general ledger entries. This means that with a little bit of setup, you can import a simple text file with data into a general journal in Business Central.
While we were at it, we also added the functionality to manage imports of SIE files to be created in the general journal set up on the SIE Import List page for those using the app Swebase.
Speaking of other apps, we have also made life easier for those combining Spider with our multi-company app Eagle. With Spider’s new reports “Import to Integration Queue” and “Import to Integration Queue and Process” you can manage integrations in multiple companies at once. Set up the reports as functions in Eagle and you will be able to import and process files into your Business Central in multiple companies at the same time instead of opening one company after another to handle integrations.
Click here to read more about this and other news from Spider.
A new release of Eagle is out and about.
New features in this version include a new Type in the Type field on The Queue Entries. Reports of the type Processing Only will be set to Report (Processing only).
We have added support for selecting the assist edit button for lookups when applying filters on KPI Functions and Link Functions manually or with the guide.
It is now also possible to export/import Advanced KPIs and Functions Setups. This will make it possible to set up an Advanced KPI or a Function setup in one company, export it, and then import it to another company I the same or a different tenant.
Click here to read the release notes or to find out more about Eagle and all its functions.
A new release of Parrot is up on App source and this time we added the awaited possibility to open and release contracts in batch. Just go to the contract list and mark the contracts you would like to open/release and press open or release. All contracts that are possible to open/release will be handled.
New fields have been added to contract lines: Bill-to Customer No. and Sell-to Customer No., this is to make it easier to search and filter in the list.
New fields have also been added to contract entries: Posted Line Amount, Posted Line Amount (LCY), Posted Line Discount %, Reversed Line Amount, Reversed Line Amount (LCY), and Reversed Line Discount %. This is to give more accurate numbers when retrieving data to analyze.
We have also fixed errors regarding the new feature Advance mode. Now calculation for the Next Posting Date field will be done on Blocked and Deleted.
Click here to find out more about this release as well as Parrot and all its functions.
A new version of Eagle is out, and it is packed with new features!
We have added a new role center called Eagle Service Agency which takes the word Overview to new heights.
In the new role center, we have aggregated the numbers you have in my companies to cues and added the possibility to set up the behavior of the cue to your needs. You can use colors to highlight numbers that are out of balance, and you can choose between opening the my companies page or the related page in the client companies.
With the new role center, you can make quick decisions on what needs to be done first and then easily get started with your work directly.
Do you have numbers that are a tiny bit more important than others? Then use the possibility to set up 5 promoted KPIs. And do you think that sometimes Eagle offers too many KPIs? It is now possible to choose which KPIs are displayed and where you want them displayed. Make some of the visible in the role center and some in my companies depending on how you work and what your needs are.
This and more is available in the 21.1 release of eagle.
Click here to find out more about Eagle and all its functions.
Smart Dimensions 21.1 is out and in this version, we have rebuilt the app from scratch to make it more flexible.
The setup page for Smart Dimensions has changed its name to Automatic Default Dimensions and with this, we have widened the functionality. Instead of five fixed master data tables we now have support for any table in Business Central that uses Standard Dimensions.
When set up, Smart Dimensions will automatically set up dimensions on your data making sure that when transactions are created dimensions will follow.
We have also made it possible to choose which field in the table to use when creating the Dimension value. Name or Dimension will be the default value, but if you like to use another value such as Number this is now possible.
So no more worrying if all transactions are tagged with the correct dimension or having to correct data that are missing dimensions that should be there to analyze your data correctly. With Smart Dimensions, you will make sure your data is always up to date.
Click here to find out more about Smart Dimensions and all its functions.
Are you having multiple companies that share the same master data and are you spending way too much time updating data that could be shared? Then Spider is the answer to your prayers!
By synchronizing information from one company to other, it is possible to achieve centralized management of master data that only needs to be managed in one company.
In other words, Spider makes it possible to streamline the process of managing the same information in many companies.
When all is set, you update for example a vendor’s address in the master company, and the information will be synchronized to all companies set up to receive the information.
All synchronization is handled thru web services so in case there should be any problems in the receiving company you will get an instant message in the master company of what needs to be handled before a successful synchronization can be done. This also means no files that can be misplaced along the way or any discussions regarding who´s to blame.
So instead of updating the address in maybe 20 companies, with all that comes with login, changing company, finding the right vendor etc, you do all the above once. This will save you both time and money as well as make sure the information is the same in all places.
Click here to find out more about Spider and all its functions.
Just before the wave, we released a new functionality called advanced mode. With advanced mode, we have made it possible to control how and when each line on the contract should be invoiced rather than the entire contract.
When the Advanced mode is activated on a contract the fields Start Date, End Date, Invoicing Interval and Next Posting Date will be available directly on the lines.
Maybe you have an ending cost that only should be in the final invoice, now this can be added to the contract from the beginning and controlled by the Start Date and End date. Or the customer may add a new service to the contract that should be invoiced quarterly instead of monthly but still want it on the same invoice. Now, this can be handled in the same contract with the help of Invoicing Intervals.
Click here to find out more about Parrot and all its functions.
A new version of StoryPoint is out and about. Features included are:
Pricelist for Expenses invoices to customers. That is, It is possible to use a price list for expenses to be charged to the customer, which enables an Expense Code to have different prices depending on which customer is charged. This could be used if have a fixed price for travel expenses etc.
Possibility to set up additional fields on Expenses, Participant and Route. These fields can be use when an expense needs to be marked with Participant or Route and are best used when setting the field to mandatory on the Expense Code.
Click here to find out more about StoryPoint and all its functions.
A new release of Parrot is out and ready for download.
This release holds functionality such as the possibility to transfer dimensions from contract lines to planning lines. Set up for this can be found in the Contract setup. This way you make sure all transactions are marked with the correct dimensions and reports show the correct results.
Contract lines with the line type Item now have support for translations as well as the possibility to add location codes
We have also, by request, added an event that can be used when crediting an Invoice created from a Contract without affection to the contract.
We have also fixed errors regarding combined shipments and the API page Badger Contract Line.
Click here to find out more about Parrot and all its functions.