Webinar om Eagle Free

Anpassa ditt eget rollcenter på en minut

Med Egle Free kan du som användare själv lägga till dina egna nyckeltal i stack-ikonerna på alla standard rollcenter i Business Central. Använd våra färdiga mallar eller parametersätt nyckeltalet själv. Med access till alla tabeller i Business Central kan du hämta data från standard Business Central så väl som andra appar och egna anpassningar.

Datum & Tid

Fredag den 12 maj
Länk till Teams skickas vid anmälan

Webinar – Eagle Free

Configure your own role center in less than a minute.

With Eagle Free a user can add their own KPIs to cues in all standard role centers in Business Central. Use our templates or configure your own KPIs. With access to all tables in Business Central, you can get data from standard Business Central as well as other apps and customizations.

Date & Time

Wednesday June 7th
8 AM (EDT) / 14 PM (CEST)
Link to Teams will be sent upon registration.


Collective invoicing – Parrot

The latest release of Parrot contains new functionality to manage collective invoicing of your contracts. 

A customer can have multiple contracts set up but still want them to be combined into one invoice. The new feature Collective Invoicing in Parrot makes this possible. Set the field Collective Invoicing on the Contract to yes, and when creating invoices from contracts, all contracts within set rules will be combined into one invoice.

Read more about this and other functions in Parrot here

Storypoint – Timetracking in Business Central

What benefits do you get with Storypoint and how can it make a difference for you?

StoryPoint is the application that makes it possible to follow projects, from time tracking to customer invoices. Make it easy for your employees to time report and register expenses at any time or any place, on the mobile or via the web.

– StoryPoint enhances and complements the capabilities of Business Central for work management, expense management, and time management. If you report time in BC, you can use the app to make that time become a customer invoice, but also go all the way to the payroll administration.

– Expense management is simplified by Storypoint being adapted for your mobile, which means that you can also register your purchase directly.

Storypoint is woven into several functionalities in BC, and provides features like:

Estimate time on projects
Keep track of reported project time
Update resource capacities
Manage your print layouts
Export abcense to payroll and a lot more..


What can our apps do for your business?

It´s a fact that we have a zoo of different apps with different functions that solve different needs.
So, now we’ll sort out once and for all what the different apps do and how they help you in your daily work!


Eagle gives you the possibility to streamline your administration and handle processes and tasks for multiple companies from one service company with just one login.

Read more


Spider makes your Business Central the spider in the web of all your integrations and enables you to manage configurable integrations and master data across multiple companies, environments, and tenants.

Read more


Parrot helps you keep track of all your recurring charges and fees and makes sure that all charges are invoiced on time and keeps the manual work at a minimum.

Read more


With Badger, you get past the issue of building data sets and coding in DAX. All the necessary links, measures, and dimensions for your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Data are already created. Badger also offers the possibility of getting started with artificial intelligence (AI). Making it possible to find patterns and insights that otherwise would be difficult to see.

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StoryPoint makes it possible to follow projects, from time tracking to customer invoices. Make it easy for your employees to time report and register expenses on the go at any time or any place, on the mobile or via the web.

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Smart Job Queue

Smart Job Queue improves Business Centrals native Job Queue. One view to manage job queues in several companies as well as enhanced error handling ensures that you never run out of sync with your integrations due to Job Queue Errors.

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Smart Currency Update

Smart Currency Update enables you to always keep your currency exchange rates updated by automatically updating the rates straight from the European Central Bank or Sveriges Riksbank.

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Smart Dimension

Smart Dimensions automatically creates dimension values and assign default dimensions to your data making sure that when transactions are created dimensions will follow and the right analysis can be made.

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Smart Swedish VAT

With Smart Swedish VAT you no longer need to manage your VAT statement manually and when you are ready to submit your VAT reports, you simply export the VAT return and EC sales list as files that can be uploaded to Skatteverket.

Read more

Connect apps

Sometimes someone else has already built a good system that they want to connect to Business Central. Then we build a Connect app that just connects Business Central with that system and makes sure that things posted in that system, are automatically posted in Business Central so the user doesn’t have to do things twice. Below you see two of these fantastic systems that you can easily connect to your Business Central. Read more about Anysys Connect. Read more about Qpick Connector.


Welcome Tina

New year, new colleague – Meet Tina Ragnarsson!

Actually, Tina started at the end of last year, but now we will finally get to introduce her

What is your role/tasks?

I am Smartapps Technical Writer and Partner Support, so I will keep our Docs updated for all apps and support our partners with their questions.

What are you looking forward to working at SmartApps?

I look forward to being part of the journey to make Business Central even more efficient and easier for the user with our apps, receiving feedback, and turning ideas into reality!

If you could only save one app – which one would you save?

I am childishly fond of the Eagle app, and had saved it. The ability to have an eagle eye on all of your companies from one view is invaluable for those who want to save time, and doing recurring steps in several companies at the same time makes daily work a lot easier.

If you could only choose one app combo, which one would you choose?

I had chosen the Eagle and Spider combo, because it goes so well together. The overview together with the ability to import and export master data to external systems is great for avoiding extra work and freeing up time for what you want to do in your business.


Become a partner with SmartApps

When becoming partners, we will start a collaboration that will benefit us both. Together we can achieve great things that result in smoother daily work for the Business Central Users so they can invest their time in visions, not administration.

The benefits of being a Partner

First, you get a complete package of different apps, developed by SmartApps to offer your customers. This means you will get a wider range of products in your portfolio and a bigger chance to offer the right solution to the right customer so you can do business. As a partner, you will receive a kickback from the first crown on each sale and recurring revenue every month.

Another benefit of being a partner is that you save a lot of resources since you don´t have to develop anything yourself. You save manpower and you can focus on your sales. It is possible to come a long way just selling standard Business Central Online and if your customers want to customize, they can do it with apps. As a partner, you always have the opportunity to bring your input on improvement to our app developers and in a way be a part of the work without having to do anything yourself.

How do you work with your partners?

SmartApps offer an onboarding process to all new partners. Every new partner will be offered the help to demonstrate apps and SmartApps will join in place when you implement your first customer. All partners will have the SmartApps team as a support to ask questions and as we wrote before, they can always share feedback and wishes on functionality for the next version without having to develop anything themselves.

If you want to become a partner – contact us!

If you want to become a partner you can contact us through our website or Linkedin

Contact us Linkedin

We book a meeting where we can tell you more about the partnership and where you can ask your questions.
Do you need more information check out our FAQ about being a Partner.

FAQ about being a Partner

Webinar om Eagle och Spider!

När kunden kan följa alla sina företag från en vy ger det möjlighet att
fatta snabba beslut och få kontroll över vad som har gjorts i vilket företag.

Anmäl dig till vårt webinar den 30 november

Vi kan alla förstå en frustrerad slutkund som måste lägga onödigt mycket tid på att utföra vardagliga sysslor om de har många företag i Business Central. Det är inte smidigt. Kunden behöver logga in och ut, hitta rätt sida, utföra uppgiften och sedan göra samma sak i varje företag igen. Det repetitiva arbetet är både tidskrävande och kostsamt. Det kunden efterfrågar är en möjlighet att utföra arbetsuppgifter i flera företag samtidigt för ett effektivare arbete

Tillsammans möjliggör Eagle och Spider ett centraliserat arbetssätt som frigör tid till annat än administration.

Eagle – En samlad vy för full kontroll och snabba beslut
Spider – Synkroniserad masterdata över flera bolag

Datum och Tid

Onsdag den 30 november
Länk till Teams skickas vid anmälan


Nina Jonasson – The effectivity of Eagle

In Nina’s role as Office Controller, she does a lot of administrative work – ongoing accounting, license management, invoicing, and more.

– With Eagle, I can see all the companies I look after in the same view. Previously, I had to work more manually, I had to go into settings every time and switch to the company I wanted to work in to see what needed to be done. Now I see everything in the same and get a smooth overview of everything. This also leads to fewer questions from higher-ups about what has been done, now they can easily check it themselves.

It is effective when you have an overview of everything in the same view, it only takes one click to get to the company you want to work in.

– The effect of my use of Eagle is that I get a better overview, it becomes faster handling and above all at the end of the month, it is very difficult to miss something when I have everything in front of me. It doesn’t have to be that there are several companies in different environments, you might as well have several companies in the same environment.

Eagle has a standard version that shows different fields, but if something is missing that you need in your work, you can add more fields that help you see even more. It is also possible to schedule the same reports to be run in several companies at the same time.

Read more about Eagle here

Directions EMEA Hamburg 2022

We´re getting ready for Directions

You´ll find us at Booth B29 where we´ll tell you all about Eagle and Spider


Manage Work across Multiple Companies


Manage Master Data across Multiple Companies

Eagle + Spider

Run with both and you have a neat solution to be able to work centrally

Looking forward to meeting all the other partners and visitors!