News / Eagle 24.12


Eagle 24.12

Eagle News

Exciting updates have been made to workflow automations, bringing new features and improvements to enhance your experience. One of the key additions is the option to use parameters when setting up a workflow. This allows users to specify date filters as parameters instead of using date codes of the type date range and/or date formula on the Functions and KPIs. The benefit of this change is the ability to modify the filters on a single page rather than on each KPI or function, making it easier to apply the correct date filter across all Functions and KPIs in a workflow.

Another significant update is the introduction of the Workflow Date Filter Overview page. This new page enables users to view and edit all applied filters within the workflow, providing a comprehensive overview and simplifying the management of filters.

Additionally, the Start Workflow from Step action has been added to the Workflow Automations page. This feature is particularly useful if you have previously completed some steps but not all, allowing you to start the workflow from a specific step.

In the realm of report filters, more checks and better error handling have been implemented. These improvements ensure that all specified filters on reports are still current, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of your reports.

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