News / Eagle 24.5


Eagle 24.5

Eagle News

In this update, several enhancements have been made to Workflow Automations, User-defined KPIs, and other features. The Workflow Automations now include the ability to specify whether a report in a Workflow Automation step should be processed with manual filters. Additionally, a preview of filters for steps containing a function has been added, making it easier to ensure that a step in a workflow instance has the correct filters before processing. An issue that required a workflow copy to be closed and opened before use has also been fixed.

User-defined KPIs have seen the addition of new calculation methods called Distinct and Duplicates. These methods allow for the use of Expression terms to determine whether there are duplicates or to filter and view the number of unique entries. The number of User-defined KPIs available for use in the Workflow Automations step has been expanded to 50. Furthermore, the calculation of the preview of the User-defined KPIs has been changed to occur in the background.

Other notable updates include the addition of a report with ObjectID 70337375 called Post Project Journal, support for Business Central 2024 Wave 2, and fixes for issues with Expression Terms that could not be edited in a workflow or selected on the Workflow Automations. The Job Queue feature now includes automatic assignment of Job Queue category code to auto-generated Job Queues for updating My Environments to avoid conflicts.

Find out more about this and other functions in Eagle here.


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